Logistics Services

Prime Cargo People

Prime Cargo People

Logistics is the Supply Chain Management wing of Prime FFE. It’s a leading provider of third-party logistics and multi-modal transportation services. Through its network of multiple locations across the world, the company offers a broad range of services that include domestic and international freight forwarding, truckload brokerage, intermodal services, warehousing, and value-added services. Prime Cargo People Logistics is committed to providing its customers with a single point of contact to manage all their transportation needs, whether it is one shipment or multiple shipments across multiple modes, and is rapidly gaining momentum among the other logistics companies in the USA.

Prime Cargo People Logistics has numerous competitive advantages over its peers. The company has a large and diversified customer base, which provides it with a steady stream of revenue. Prime Cargo People Logistics has a strong network of domestic and international partners, which gives it the ability to offer its customers a wide range of services. The company has a proven track record of success, which gives it the confidence of its customers and partners.

Rapid . Resourceful . Reliable .

Get customized solutions that make sense for your business!
Prime Cargo People Logistics provides professional logistics services for supply chains that require
more than standard receiving, storing, and shipping of products.
Our value-added services provide direct value to your supply chain with more efficient transit times at cost effective prices.
Our value-added logistics services for supply chains include kitting, specialty packaging,
KanBan programs, transportation management and much more!

Highlights of bonus features are:

Inquire NOWWW!!

Fulfill your Business’s
Logistics & Warehousing
needs with one of the most reliable supply chain partners
of the industry.
Rahul Shah (VP of Operations)
+1 201-354-8981 / sales@primeffe.com